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Powershell for listing local admins on network

I am using the following Powershell from http://iislogs.com/steveschofield/2009/01/09/list-local-administrators-on-a-machine-using-powershell-adsi/ to extract the local and domain admin accounts configured in PC and servers of an internal network.

Powershell script is below:

function LogToFile ([string]$strFileName, [string]$strComputer)
 Add-Content $strFileName $strComputer

$strComputer = “server1.loc.mydomain.com”
$computer = [ADSI](“WinNT://” + $strComputer + “,computer”)
$Group = $computer.psbase.children.find(“Administrators”)
$members= $Group.psbase.invoke(“Members”) | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember(“Name”, ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)}

ForEach($user in $members)

Write-Host $user
$a = $strComputer + “!” + $user.ToString()
LogToFile “C:\local-admins.txt” $a

When executed, it produces results in the txt file in following format:

server1.loc.mydomain.com!Domain Administrators
  1. Can someone help me to change the output on txt file, so the results are shown in this format:

     server1.loc.mydomain.com!Administrator!JohnDoe!Support!Domain Administrators 

If reported in this way, then I can easily export to csv and work with it. It'd be super cool if this can be transformed to export on CSV in desired format instead of txt.

  1. How to make the code on line 6 so eg if I want to scan the whole subnet which has names: server1, server2, .... server38... I don't have to manually change that line for each machine. I tried server*, server[*] and it gives me errors.

I am a complete novice in PS, but trying to piece things together to address my needs and hope you may provide me with needed help.


To change the output to have all accounts in one line, change the foreach() loop at the bottom to just:

$a = @($strComputer;$members) -join '!'
LogToFile "C:\local-admins.txt" $a

To generate a list of servers with successive numbers in their name, use the range operator .. :

$serverNames = foreach($number in 1..38){
    'server{0}' -f $number

So you end up with something like:

function LogToFile ([string]$strFileName, [string]$strComputer)
    Add-Content $strFileName $strComputer

foreach($ServerNumber in 1..38){
    $ServerName = 'server{0}.loc.mydomain.com' -f $ServerNumber
    $Computer = [ADSI]("WinNT://$ServerName,computer")
    $Group = $Computer.psbase.children.Find('Administrators')
    $Members= $Group.psbase.invoke('Members') |ForEach-Object { $_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null) }

    $Output = @($ServerName;$members) -join '!'
    LogToFile 'C:\local-admins.txt' $Output

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