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Java binary not picking up resources from the specified class path

I am trying to load a text file as InputStream, but the txt file is never picked up and the input stream value is always null . I don't know why this is happening and I would like to request assistance.

nohup java  -jar crawler-jar-2014.11.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -classpath /home/nbsxlwa/crawler/resources/common-conf:/home/nbsxlwa/crawler/resources/dotcom-conf:./plugins/*:./lib/* & 

The txt file is located in /home/nbsxlwa/crawler/resources/dotcom-conf directory. I can confirm that the file does exist, so I don't know why the file is not being picked up. The setup is given below:

  1. `System.getEnvironment("java.class.path")

    returns the following value crawler-jar-2014.11.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

  2. The code blocks are trying to create an input stream out of text.

  String fileRules = conf.get(URLFILTER_REGEX_FILE); System.out.println("file rules = " + fileRules); // Pass the file as a resource in classpath. // return conf.getConfResourceAsReader(fileRules); // Pass the file as a resource in classpath. InputStream is = RegexURLFilter.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + fileRules); System.out.println("Inputstream is = " + is); System.out.println(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(fileRules)); 

The output to the above snippet is

file rules = regex-urlfilter.txt
Inputstream is = null
  1. I tried adding classpath folders to the classpath MANIFEST.MF file. MANIFEST.MF contains the following entries, but the output still returned null .

Class-Path: resources/common-conf resources/dotcom-conf resources/olb-conf lib/gora-cassandra-0.3.jar ** OTHER JARS**

Note the java man page entry for -jar

When you use this option, the JAR file is the source of all user classes, and other user class path settings are ignored.

So your other classpath entries are ignored. You'll have to use the plain old java command, specifying a class with a main method and including your .jar in the classpath.

The relative paths you've specified in the MANIFEST are relative to the JAR itself or are complete URLs.

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