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Spring Data MongoDB GridFS images are corrupted when getting with contentType

I'm trying to store and retrieve images with GridFs using Spring.

Method for uploading 1:

public void savePicture(InputStream photo, Customer customer) {

        Query query = new Query (Criteria.where("filename").is(customer.getId()).and("metadata.status").is("active"));

        Update update = new Update().set("metadata.status" , "false");

        WriteResult wr = this.mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, "fs.files");

        if (!wr.getLastConcern().callGetLastError()){

        DBObject metaData = new BasicDBObject();
        metaData.put("status", "active");

        String imageFormat = this.imageUtils.getImageFormat(photo);

        String contentType = "image/" + imageFormat;

        GridFSFile gridFsFile = this.gridFsTemplate.store(photo, customer.getId(), contentType, metaData);



Method for uploading 2 (differs only when invoking this.gridFsTemplage.store)

public void saveProfilePicture(InputStream photo, Customer customer) {

        Query query = new Query (Criteria.where("filename").is(customer.getId()).and("metadata.status").is("active"));

        Update update = new Update().set("metadata.status" , "false");

        WriteResult wr = this.mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, "fs.files");

        if (!wr.getLastConcern().callGetLastError()){

        DBObject metaData = new BasicDBObject();
        metaData.put("status", "active");

        GridFSFile gridFsFile = this.gridFsTemplate.store(photo, customer.getId(), metaData);



Method for downloading:

public InputStream getPicture(Customer customer){

        Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("filename").is(customer.getId()).and("metadata.status").is("active"));

        GridFSDBFile gridFsDBFile = this.gridFsTemplate.findOne(query);

        return gridFsDBFile.getInputStream();


Both methods for uploading work and write on MongoDB/GridFS, but when I use method 1 I cannot download the picture and it appears to be corrupted. For example if I upload a picture of 7.8KB the downloaded version is ligther of 500 bytes (7.3KB) and I cannot open it with an image viewer. When I use the method 2 for upload everything works fine.

Any idea?

If you run this on MongoShell , you can see gridfs files: db.fs.files.find() Now, the problem in your method 1 is that you are not specifying the full name of the file.(If you dont specify the full name ie filename + extension)

GridFSFile gridFsFile = this.gridFsTemplate.store(photo, customer.getId(), contentType, metaData);
Should be changed to=>
GridFSFile gridFsFile = this.gridFsTemplate.store(photo, customer.getId() + "." + imageFormat, contentType, metaData);

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