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Knockout validation error class on input element

I'm fairly new to Knockout and I'm encountering some issues when validating my form.


<input data-bind="value: naam" type="text" name="naam" id="naam" placeholder="Naam" required />
<input data-bind="value: email" type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="E-mail" required pattern="@" />


var OrderInfo = function(){
   var self = this;

   self.naam = ko.observable().extend({
       required: "true",
       minLength: 6

   self.email = ko.observable().extend({
       required: "true",
       email: { 
           message: "Gelieve een geldig e-mail adres op te geven.", 
           params: true 


1) When I enter less than 6 chars at "naam", I get the message Please enter at least 6 characters. . Yet the class valid is given to the element. The e-mail input field gets the error class as it should.
2) When I log whether OrderInfo is valid, I always get true, even though I get the error messages;

self.OrderInfo = ko.validatedObservable(self.orderInfo);
console.log("Valid: " + self.OrderInfo.isValid());

I have configured ko.validation like this;

   errorElementClass: 'error',
   decorateInputElement: true,
   decorateElementOnModified: true,

Why is this working for the e-mail field but not the other fields? (I've only posted 1 other field but I got more, same issue for all.) What am I doing wrong?

Issue resolved. The problem was in my HTML. When marking up my form I accidently used the same ID twice.

Stupid mistakes take the longest to find... Thanks for trying to help out!

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