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Servlet 3.1 - Security Constraints - Without web.xml

The Java Servlet 3.0 and 3.1 specifications allow developers to perform many of the common configuration based tasks in Java code rather than via the traditional mechanism of providing a web.xml file.

I have all of this working for my application, but upon looking to tackle application security, I could not find any reference to how or if it is possible to also configuration application security constraints via code.

Basically, I am looking for a programmatic way to do the following:


Is anyone aware of a means to do this?


You will find details in the section provided by Mark, but for short hand, you could put in your servlet something like:

@ServletSecurity((httpMethodConstraints = {
    @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "GET", rolesAllowed = "SSORole"),
    @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "POST", rolesAllowed = "SSORole",
    transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL)

However there are still some drawbacks of using annotation in web module security:

  • your url-pattern will be direct match to your servlet mappings - cannot define /* for whole application like via web.xml
  • unfortunately still there is no annotation for login-config

So I'd suggest to stick with web.xml for security definitions for a bit longer.

您需要阅读Servlet 3规范的第13.4节。

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