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Calling a function on JQUERY success

I have a custom function that I have defined and then I subsequently call when the the page loads. I need the function to run when the page loads because it is populating a group selectlists:

<!---Populate Custom Service Description select lists --->           
<script type="text/javascript">
function PopulateSelectLists(){
    // Important: Must append the parameter "&returnformat=json"
       url: 'cfcs/get_descriptions.cfc?method=getDescriptions&returnformat=json'
       , dataType: 'json'
       , success: function(response){
           $.each(response.DATA, function(I, row){
            // get value in first column ie "description"
            var description = row[0];

            // append new option to list
            $("#descriptionDD1").append($('<option/>', { 
                    value: description,
                    text : description 
            $("#descriptionDD2").append($('<option/>', { 
                    value: description,
                    text : description 
            $("#descriptionDD3").append($('<option/>', { 
                    value: description,
                    text : description 
            $("#descriptionDD4").append($('<option/>', { 
                    value: description,
                    text : description 
       error: function(msg){

I am trying to call my custom function PopulateSelectLists() when another AJAX call successfully completes so I can refresh my selectlists but it never seems to call my function:

<!---Script to add new description to DB --->
//Add a new note to a link
   // prevent native form submission here
            type: "POST",
            data: $('#addDescriptionForm').serialize(),
            url: "actionpages/add_descriptions_modal.cfm",
            success: function() {
              PopulateSelectLists(); //Call Function to refresh selectlist  
              $("#addDescriptionResponse").append( "Successfully added description." );

        return false;           

Where am I going wrong here?

In the problematic case, does the request actually return successfully? Inspect the response with Firebug or Fiddler or whatever dev toolbar you are using. It may be that there is a server error, a connection error, or any other reason that can drop the request, so it is not successful.

You can also look into using the complete handler: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/ .

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