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Deleting and copying files using batch file

Im trying to copy files from one drive to another using a batch file, Which works! but we keep Changing file names on our main file which creates addition copys with diffrent names everytime its run. I dont want to delete the Copy file entirely bacause of the length of time the copy takes just to copy. I would like to Compare the 2 files and delete the files that are no longer on the main drive here is the test that im working on. Thanks for any help you can give me.

If not exist "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Main\*.*" "Del "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Clone\*.*"
xcopy "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Main\*.*" "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Clone\*.*" /D /C /E /S /I /Y /V /H /R /F /d:01-01-1998

echo You pressed CTRL+C to end the copy operation. 
goto exit 

您可能想研究robocopy ,特别是使用/mir开关,它将源文件夹镜像(复制所有新文件并删除所有不再存在的文件)到目标文件夹。

Thanks This does work

robocopy /MIR "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Main" "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Clone"

echo You pressed CTRL+C to end the copy operation. 
goto exit 

But I would still like to understand if anyone can or wants to take the time to correct my original question


@echo off
If not exist "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Main\*.*" "Del "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Clone\*.*"
xcopy "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Main\*.*" "C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\Test Clone\*.*" /D /C /E /S /I /Y /V /H /R /F /d:01-01-1998

If %errorlevel% EQU 2 (
echo You pressed CTRL+C to end the copy operation.

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