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Objective C Get Dictionary from Array[i]

I have an array of dictionaries that populate a tableView as seen below

self.tableCell.usernameLabel.text = [self.loadTableArrayCopy[indexPath.row] valueForKeyPath:@"user.full_name"];

If the user likes the content of the row, they can press a save button on the cell and certain values from the dictionary are saved in Core Data.

The problem: not all values from the dictionary correspond to outlets in the uitableviewcell. If that were not the case, I could do something like this

savedItem.username = self.tableCell.usernameLabel.text

But since some values, such as thumbnails, are not displayed in the cell, I am not sure that I could do something like this since it's not associated with a cell

savedItem.thumbnail = self.thumbnail

My preferred option is to take the indexPath.row, access the dictionary at array[indexPath.row] and save by setting the managed object's properties from the dictionary. How can I get this dictionary out of the array and into a local variable so I can do something like this?

savedItem.thumbnail = [myLocalDictionary valueForKeyPath@"thumbnail"];

If you have single section, you can do it easily:

in cellForRowAtIndexPath set this:

cell.saveButton.tag = indexPath.row;

From save button event do this:

    UIButton *btn = (UIButton *)sender;
    int row = btn.tag; // This is your selected row.
    NSDictionary *youDictionary = [array objectAtIndex:row];


When user tap save button then you could get the indexPath.row value.So later,

NSDictionary *saveDict = [array objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

This way to will get dictionary and could further save it to coreData.

If not able to find indexPath.row value from button then you could do as below:-

  UIButton *senderBtn = (UIButton *)sender;
  UITableViewCell *cell;

  if (![Utilities isIPhone]) {
     if ([UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion.intValue < 7)
        cell = (UITableViewCell *)[[[senderBtn superview] superview] superview];
        cell = (UITableViewCell *)[[[[senderBtn superview] superview] superview] superview];
  NSIndexPath *index =  [advancedSearchTable indexPathForCell:cell];

When save is tapped you could add above lines and find out index(indexPath). Later, use index to get dictionary from array.

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