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Android: How to create graphs, tried using a library and ended up with a headache

I was wondering what the easiest way is to display a simple graph of any sort based on values that I already have. I tried using a library but ended up with more errors than i can count. What is the trick to using libraries and can someone take a second and help walk me through the steps because online all i can find is tutorials that just go: Download this jar. put it in libs and tah dah. But I am not seeming to find such luck.

Is there a way to download it as if it was a compelete project and then just import it? Or do you have to go through and pick out each little thing?

Quoting the project documentation :

  1. Recommended: If you use Gradle/Android Studio you can use the library from Maven Central. Add that line to your build.grade file into the dependencies block:

    compile 'com.jjoe64:graphview:3.1.3'

  2. Download .jar file and copy it into the libs folder of your project. GraphView-3.1.3.jar

  3. Download or clone the git repository and link your project with the GraphView library project. jjoe64/GraphView on GitHub

Since you have the question tagged with , option #2 would seem to be the most likely choice.

Note that the author also provides:

both of which may help you learn how to use it, as an adjunct to the rest of the documentation.

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