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Azure storage blobs, C#, how can I determine what blob is currently in use?

I am writing console app to list and snaphot/restore azure blobs. As I understand, I can make snapshot, then fully turn off the machine(from azure portal, with deallocate), and copy some snapshot back with overwrite

In this example I'm getting blobs into a collection:

        // get storage account based on credentials
        CloudStorageAccount storageAccountObj = new CloudStorageAccount(creds, false);

        // move all blobs to collection
        CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccountObj.CreateCloudBlobClient();
        var containers = blobClient.ListContainers();

        List<CloudBlob> blobsArray = new List<CloudBlob>();
        foreach (var container in containers)
            foreach (var listBlobItem in container.ListBlobs())
                var blobItem = (CloudBlob)listBlobItem;

        // display blobs

But there are blobs with same names but different ETag's:


How can I determine what blob is currently in use by virtual machine?

How come you get blobs with same name? Pring out the container name too, it may give you a clue which one is in use by the VM. There cannot be two blobs with same name within the same container.

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