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GroupBy difference between vb.net and c#

I work though a linq tutorial where the code is written in c# and try to translate the snippets into vb.net. The following is working under c#:

var employeeGroups = from employee  in Employee.GetAllEmployees()
                     group employee by employee.Deptartment;

I could translate it into Extension Method

Dim group1 = Employee.GetAllEmployees.GroupBy(Function(x) x.Department)

which workes fine but

Dim group = From emp In Employee.GetAllEmployees
            Group emp By emp.Department

gives me a compile error 'into expected'. I couldnt find anything about it but is it right, that I have to use 'INTO' in vb but not in c#? If so, how do I have to adjust my query to fit the c# aquivalent?

VB.Net has different group syntax. Try this..

From emp In Employee.GetAllEmployees
         Group By Department= emp.Department Into g = Group
         Select g

Or Simply

From emp In Employee.GetAllEmployees
             Group By Department= emp.Department Into Group

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