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javascript - center div (position:absolute) vertically and horizontally to screen view

I am trying to make a usercript that overlays text boxes over images: It uses a draggable menu using interactjs with fixed position. The menu has a button and I need it to create a div of 20px*60px and show it at the center of the screen view (so not to scroll to the bottom of the page and drag it from there). I can do it (somewhat) by using:

var div = document.getElementById("inserted_div_2");
div.style.position = 'fixed';
div.style.top = '50%'; //relative to screen
div.style.left = '50%';

From there I can drag/resize it to where I want over the image (also using interactjs) but then, how can I change it to position:absolute so it scrolls with the content keeping the same position over the images (eg: in the top left corner of img2)? something like:

var posX = div.getPosX(); //relative to page; in %, px or em
var posY = div.getPosY();
// when I change it from fixed to absolute the div goes back to the bottom of the page
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.left = posX;
div.style.top = posY;

The HTML structure looks something like this:

    <div id="content">
        <img src="/img1.jpg"> // size and number of imgs is variable.
        <img src="/img2.jpg"> // are in a strip format.
        <img src="/img3.jpg">
    <div id="overlays">

         //eg: div1 was dragged from the center of screen 
         //into in between img1 and img2
         <div id="inserted_div_1">Text</div>

         //now I need to do the same for div2, 
         //dragging it to the top left corner of img2
         <div id="inserted_div_2">Text</div>


I would prefer not using jQuery or another library, but if it is too difficult then I will use it. Thanks!

You can use offsetTop and offsetLeft to get the element's position (in px) relative to the page.

var posX = div.offsetLeft;
var posY = div.offsetTop;
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.left = posX;
div.style.top = posY;


The values returned by offsetTop and offsetLeft do not include the transform:translate styles applied. I created a test case - its not dragable but it shows you how to calculate the relative positions by adding the offset and the translate values:

var div = document.getElementById("inserted_div_2");
var content = document.getElementById("content");

function testpos(){
    var ol = div.offsetLeft,
        ot = div.offsetTop,
        cs = window.getComputedStyle(div, null),
        tr = cs.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") ||
             cs.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") ||
             cs.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") ||
             cs.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") ||
             cs.getPropertyValue("transform") ||
        //outputs something like 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 80, 90)'
        var values = tr.replace(/[^0-9\.\,]/g,'').split(','),//split into array
            tx = values[4] || 0,//take the x value (else 0)
            ty = values[5] || 0;//take the y value (else 0)       
    content.innerHTML+=("<hr />position: "+div.style.position+"<br />");
    content.innerHTML+=("offsetLeft:"+ol+", offsetTop:"+ot+"<br />");
    content.innerHTML+=("translate-x:"+tx+", translate-y:"+ty+"<br />");
    //so the actual position is the offset + the translate ==
    var x = parseInt(ol) + parseInt(tx),
        y = parseInt(ot) + parseInt(ty);
    content.innerHTML+=("x:"+x+" y:"+y+"<br />");

/* TEST */
//1 set to fixed
div.style.position = 'fixed';
testpos();//test position
//2 move using transfor:translate
div.style.transform = 'translate(80px,90px)';
testpos();//test position (note the offset does not include the transform)
/3 set to absolute and get the position
div.style.position = 'absolute';


you can use css for center div vertically and horizontally

for example

     margin-left:-50px; /*half width*/
     margin-top:-50px; /*half height*/

<div id='content'>

if width equal 100px margin-left equal -50px if width equal 200px margin-left equal -100px and so on

margin-left half width and margin-top half height

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