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htaccess - rewrite .php to .png in multiple subfolders

On my website I have a folder called /banners/ . This folder contains 3 subfolders, /small/, /medium/ and /big/ . All of the subfolders have an index.php file that require a parameter to work.

To make it a bit easier to understand:

/banners/ -> /small/ -> index.php?server=$id
             /medium/ -> index.php?server=$id
             /big/ -> index.php?server=$id

What i'm trying to do is i want to make /banners/small/index.php?server=$id (and the other 2 subfolders) to look like /banners/small/$id.png . Is it possible to rewrite the index pages to a .png file with only 1 htaccess file which is located in the /banners/ folder?

You can put this code in your htaccess (assuming it is in /banners/ folder like you said)

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /banners/

RewriteRule ^(small|medium|big)/(.+?)\.png$ $1/index.php?server=$2 [L]

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