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On creating a new ember app i am getting bower handlebars error

Installed packages for tooling via npm.
EACCES, unlink '/home/tanan/.cache/bower/registry/bower.herokuapp.com/lookup/handlebars_b644d'
 unlink '/home/tanan/.cache/bower/registry/bower.herokuapp.com/lookup/handlebars_b644d'

Unable to identify this particular error Also if anybody knows how to install ember-cli as a notmarl user (not a root user)

When you installing did you use 'sudo' or run as the root user? For me the installer failed and I had not choice then I experienced the same issue.

Try and reset the permissions back from root to your user with these commands:

sudo chown -R <you>:staff ~/.cache
sudo chown -R <you>:staff ~/.npm

Assume you are running OS X, modify accordingly.

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