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grunt htmlmin: don't specify filename in the gruntfile.js

my task is the following:

    htmlmin : {
        dist : {
            options : {
                removeComments : true,
                collapseWhitespace : true
            files : {
                'index.html' : 'index-src.html'

this works fine when i have just one html file on my site, so this processes index-src.html into minified index.html .

what if i have 100 other html files to process? i don't want to manually list them in my gruntfile.

how can i abstract the file name and tell grunt to minify my src file to the corresponding production file? in my case they are:

source file is [name]-src.html production file is [name].html

i'm guessing it's just a matter of syntax, but i don't know what to write. thanks! :)

See the Globbing Patterns section of the Grunt Documentation.

I believe you'll just have to change your param files object to:

'index.html' : '*-src.html'


Re-reading your question, I realized you needed a 1-1 file conversion for dynamic source and destination file names.

For that see Building the files object dynamically

I have yet to use this in my project but the syntax looks straight forward. You may need to change your src vs production naming convention to a folder based convention.

  • /source/name.html (source folder)
  • /build/name.html (destination folder)


files: [
      expand: true,     // Enable dynamic expansion.
      cwd: 'source/',      // Src matches are relative to this path.
      src: ['*-src.html'], // Actual pattern(s) to match.
      dest: 'build/',   // Destination path prefix.
      ext: '.html',   // Dest filepaths will have this extension.
      extDot: 'first'   // Extensions in filenames begin after the first dot
module.exports = function (grunt) {

    // 1. All configuration goes here
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        concat: {
            controlCss: {
                src: ['UI.controls/assets/css/*.css'],
                dest: 'UI.controls/assets/css/min/production.css'

            controlJs: {
                src: ['UI.controls/assets/js/*.js'],
                dest: 'UI.controls/assets/js/min/production.js'

            coreJs: {
                src: ['UI.core/assets/js/*.js'],
                dest: 'UI.core/assets/js/min/production.js'
            dist: {
                src: ['UI.controls/assets/templates/*.htm'],
                dest: 'UI.controls/assets/templates/min/production.min.htm'

        cssmin: {
            controlCss: {
                src: 'UI.controls/assets/css/min/production.css',
                dest: 'UI.controls/assets/css/min/production.min.css'

        uglify: {
            controlJs: {
                src: 'UI.controls/assets/js/min/production.js',
                dest: 'UI.controls/assets/js/min/production.min.js'

            coreJs: {
                src: 'UI.core/assets/js/min/production.js',
                dest: 'UI.core/assets/js/min/production.min.js'

        htmlmin: {
            dist: {
                options: {
                    removeComments: true,
                    collapseWhitespace: true
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'build',
                src: ['UI.controls/assets/templates/*.htm'],
                dest: 'UI.controls/assets/templates/min/production.min.htm'


    // 2. Where we tell Grunt we plan to use this plug-in.

    // 3. Where we tell Grunt what to do when we type "grunt" into the terminal.
    grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat', 'cssmin', 'uglify', 'htmlmin']);


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