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Handle save as dialog box by selenium web driver in java

I'm Trying to save a Html Page using Selenium script in java which perform following operations

  1. open the web page.
  2. fire a right click event.
  3. click on save as html option.

Now problem is when script click on save as html option it shows a pop-up to save html.

I already set default option for download in Firefox but when i run the script it keep showing me pop-up again and again what i need is:-

  1. when Firefox shows a save as dialog box then it'll fire an enter event so that it can save html by using Selenium script.

Robot class in java might help you. Check this link as well.

Here is a sample code:

// Create object of Robot class<br>
Robot object=new Robot();

// Press Enter<br>

// Release Enter<br>

Window pop ups cant be handled by Selenium.So you can go for follwing options : -

(1) Java Robot Class

(2) Sikuli [Recommended]

(3) AutoIt

These are 3rd party tools used to handle window based pop ups.

Accepting confirmation popups in Selenium can be handled via Alert object (assuming driver instance is ready):

Alert myAlert = driver.switchTo().alert();

Use autoit download the autoit exe record clicking of that button Use the code and execute it via JS executor

Dont forget to place the code before you are actually executing the step not after executing it

Please switch to windows dialogs first using get window handles eg. Save As

Then, use Robot commands to send Enter key. It will save the file.

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