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Recover password via MySQL (phpmyadmin)?

I have a script which uses this shop codecanyon.net/item/universal-digital-shop/2987770, however I have recently changed my password via it's admin panel front end(usually based on eg yoursite.com/settings.php) and did a silly move not check Notepad really saved my new password before closing it.

Now I cannot login to my shop at all and need help folks.

I check in phpmyamdin and it seems like its a hashed password (is it md5?), and I just don't know how these work.

I can post chunks of code and I have root access to mysql and phpmyadmin (Im more comfortable via phpmyadmin though and not a shell).

I don't want to populate the whole DB again as this will loose my customer records.

Any ideas?

The code below includes a password and an login ID. But the password "346g3643832823h2h39236323f263827" and login ID "admin" are only used for example purposes and are not the actual live pieces of data in the database.

define('VERSION', '2.50');
define('RECORDS_PER_PAGE', '50');
define('DEMO_MODE', false);
define('STATUS_DRAFT', 0);
define('STATUS_ACTIVE', 1);
define('STATUS_PENDING', 7);
define('ABSPATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));

$options = array (
"version" => VERSION,
"owner_email" => "alerts@".str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]),
"from_name" => "Universal Digital Shop",
"from_email" => "noreply@".str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]),
"success_email_subject" => "Thank you for payment",
"success_email_body" => "Dear {payer_name},".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."Thank you for your purchasing \"{file_title}\". Please find download link below:".PHP_EOL."{download_link}".PHP_EOL."This link is valid {download_link_lifetime} days.".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."Thanks,".PHP_EOL."Universal Digital Shop",
"failed_email_subject" => "Payment was not completed",
"failed_email_body" => "Dear {payer_name},".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."Thank you for your payment. Unfortunately, it was not completed.".PHP_EOL."Payment status: {payment_status}.".PHP_EOL."We will review your payment shortly.".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."Thanks,".PHP_EOL."Universal Digital Shop",
"csv_separator" => ";",
"link_lifetime" => "2",
"xsendfile" => "off",
"enable_paypal" => "off",
"paypal_id" => "",
"paypal_sandbox" => "off",
"enable_payza" => "off",
"payza_id" => "",
"payza_sandbox" => "off",
"enable_interkassa" =>"off",
"interkassa_shop_id" => "",
"interkassa_currency" => "USD",
"interkassa_secret_key" => "",
"enable_authnet" => "off",
"authnet_login" => "",
"authnet_sandbox" => "off",
"authnet_key" => "",
"authnet_md5hash" => "",
"enable_skrill" => "off",
"skrill_id" => "",
"skrill_secret_word" => "",
"enable_egopay" => "off",
"egopay_store_id" => "",
"egopay_store_pass" => "",
"enable_perfect" => "off",
"perfect_account_id" => "",
"perfect_payee_name" => "",
"perfect_passphrase" => "",
"enable_bitpay" => "off",
"bitpay_key" => "",
"bitpay_speed" => "medium",
"enable_stripe" => "off",
"stripe_secret" => "",
"stripe_publishable" => "",
"login" => "admin",
"password" => "346g3643832823h2h39236323f263827"
$paypal_currency_list = array("USD", "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP",
"HKD", "HUF", "ILS", "JPY", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PLN", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY",   

$interkassa_currency_list = array("USD", "EUR", "GBP", "RUR", "UAH");
$egopay_currency_list = array("USD", "EUR");
$perfect_currency_list = array("USD", "EUR");
$bitpay_currency_list = array("USD", "EUR", "GBP", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "CNY", "RUB", "DKK", "HKD", "PLN", "SGD", "THB", "BTC");
$stripe_currency_list = array("USD", "CAD");

Drop all tables in DB and repopulated them under same DB. Didn't need to worry too much about customer records anymore since Paypal held all my transaction records.


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