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rich:fileUpload remove Stop button

I am using rich:fileupload to implement upload functionality in application.I don't want to use Stop button provided by rich:fileupload tag. Is there any way to remove (or hide) Stop button . I tried to set stopButtonClass to display: none, it still shows a small square - probably the border of the surrounding div.

Does anyone know how to completely remove the Stop Button? Please guide me on

<rich:fileUpload  id="upload" fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.listener}" maxFilesQuantity="#{fileUploadBean.uploadsAvailable}" 
                acceptedTypes="txt,ppt,jpg,doc,xls, gif, bmp,pdf"  ontyperejected="alert('Only TXT,PPT,DOC,XLS JPG, GIF,PDF and BMP files are accepted');"
                addControlLabel="Browse" listHeight="50px" listWidth="auto"   onsizerejected="alert('You can only upload upto 10MB files')" autoclear="false"
                immediateUpload="#{fileUploadBean.autoUpload}"  allowFlash="#{fileUploadBean.useFlash}" 
                stopButtonClass="rich-fileupload-ico-stop"  clearAllControlLabel="" clearControlLabel="" stopControlLabel="" 
                cleanButtonClass="rich-fileupload-ico-clear" cleanButtonClassDisabled="rich-fileupload-ico-clear" stopButtonClassDisabled="rich-fileupload-ico-stop">
                <a4j:support event="onuploadcomplete" reRender="uploadInfo" />
                <a4j:support event="onuploadcanceled" reRender="uploadInfo" />

I have fixed issue of completely hiding stop button of rich:fileUpload by setting display:none for button border property. Below is code for css :

.rich-fileupload-button-border{ border:none ; }

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