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query string in php url which fetches values from files in directories

for security reasons we need to disable a php/mysql for a non-profit site as it has a lot of vulnerabilities. It's a small site so we want to just rebuild the site without database and bypass the vulnerability of an admin page.

The website just needs to stay alive and remain dormant. We do not need to keep updating the site in future so we're looking for a static-ish design.

Our current URL structure is such that it has query strings in the url which fetches values from the database.

eg artist.php?id=2

I'm looking for a easy and quick way change artist.php so instead of fetching values from a database it would just include data from a flat html file so.

artist.php?id=1  = fetch data from /artist/1.html
artist.php?id=2  = fetch data from /artist/2.html
artist.php?id=3  = fetch data from /artist/3.html
artist.php?id=4  = fetch data from /artist/4.html
artist.php?id=5  = fetch data from /artist/5.html

The reason for doing it this way is that we need to preserve the URL structure for SEO purposes. So I do not want to use the html files for the public.

What basic php code would I need to achieve this?

HTML isn't your best option, but its cousin is THE BEST for static data files.

Let me introduce you to XML! (documentation to PHP parser )

XML is similar to HTML as structure, but it's made to store data rather than webpages.

If instead your html pages are already completed and you just need to serve them, you can use the url rewriting from your webserver (if you're using Apache, see mod_rewrite )

At last, a pure PHP solution (which I don't recommend)


//protect from displaying unwanted webpages or other vulnerabilities:
//we NEVER trust user input, and we NEVER use it directly without checking it up.
$valid_ids = array(1,2,3,4,5 /*etc*/);
  $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
} else {
  echo "missing artist!"; die;
//read the html file
$html_page = file_get_contents("/artist/$id.html");

//display the html file
echo $html_page;

To do it exactly as you ask would be like this:

$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$page = file_get_contents("/artist/$id.html");

In case $id === 0 there was something else besides numbers in the query parameter. You could also have the artist information in an array:

// datafile.php
return array(
    1 => "Artist 1 is this and that",
    2 => "Artist 2..."

And then in your artist.php

$data = include('datafile.php');
if (array_key_exists($_GET['id'], $data)) {
    $page = $data[$_GET['id']];
} else {
    // 404

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