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MySQL - ODBC connect fails, Workbench connect works

I am trying to install and test a MySQL ODBC Connector on my machine (Windows 7) to connect to a remote MySQL DB server, but, when I configure and test the connection, I keep getting the following error:

Connection Failed
[MySQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver]Access denied for user 'root'@'(my host)' (using password: YES):

The problem is, I can connect with MySQL Workbench (remotely - from my local machine to the remote server) just fine. I have read this FAQ extensively but it's not helping out. I have tried:

  • Checking if mysql is running on the server (it is. I even tried restarting it many times);
  • Checking if the port is listening for connection on the remote server. It is.
  • Connecting to the remote server using MySQL Workbench. It works.
  • Checking if the IP address and Ports of the remote database are correct;
  • Checking if the user (root) and password are correct;
  • Re-entering the password on the ODBC config window;
  • Checking and modifying the contents of the "my.conf" on the remote server to allow connections from all sides (;
  • Including (my host) on the GRANT HOST tables from mySQL (I also tried the wildcard '%' but it's the same as nothing);
  • Running a FLUSH HOSTS; And FLUSH PRIVILEGES; command on the remote mySQL server to reset the privilege cache;
  • Turning off my Firewall during the configuration of the ODBC driver;
  • Checked if the MySQL variable 'skip_networking' is OFF in order to allow remote connections.

What is frustrating is that I can connect with MySQL Workbench on my local machine (with the same IP/user/password), just not with ODBC.

What could I be doing wrong, or what could be messing up my attempt to connect with ODBC?

Update : I managed to set up the ODBC driver and get it running correctly on the server side. I can connect there to the localhost using a command line (with the "isql" command). But I still can't connect over remotely with my Windows 7 machine.


As it turns out, it was a permissions problem. I ran the following command on the remote server SQL:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'(my_host)' IDENTIFIED BY '(my_password)';

I had run the previous command, but without the "IDENTIFIED BY" password. Then, to reset the mysql permissions cache, I also ran


And now it works.

也只适用于 64 位 odbc 驱动程序而不适用于 mySQL 32 位。

We had a similar case that 'user'@'%' was granted at server but ODBC connect failed at a PC while workbench connect successfully.

MariaDB 10.0.31, MySQL ODBC 3.51, MySQL Workbench 8.0

Solved by install MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.1 instead of the MySQL ODBC ( https://downloads.mariadb.org/connector-odbc/ ).

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