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How to split cell of a grid into columns winforms devexpress

I would like learn something. I have a GridControl which has a gridview inside with some columns. And there's one column lets name "jobs". in my DataList (which i'm populating rows with) i have another list which will hold some infos about jobs and i want to show them in one column. But there's the problem. I want to split the cell of "jobs" . how can i do that?

the model and the list is like below:

//this is my job class
public class JobInfo{
   public string Name;
   public bool IsDone;

//this is my work class
public class Work{
   public string Company;
   public string Personel;
   public List<JobInfo> Jobs;

in my cs file I will hold a List<Work> object. I can bound it to grid view but i want to show job info like that cell contains 4 or 5 cells or how many jobs that list has.

I tried some paint to be as clear as much http://imgur.com/eEB9krO

Any help appreciated. Thanks

You can not have columns inside columns in a GridView.

How about just adding it into one cell like this?

private void gridView_CustomColumnDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e)
    if (e.Column.FieldName == "Jobs")
        var jobs = e.Value as List<JobInfo>;
        e.DisplayText = jobs != null ? 
                        string.Join(" | ", jobs.Select(j => string.Format("Name: {0}, Is Done: {1}", j.Name, j.IsDone))) : 

There is no way to do exactly what you need. But maybe it is an option to use a repositoryItem. You could use a popupcontaineredit. Then you build a popupcontainercontrol with a new Grid. If someone click a row or on the dropdown of your popupcontaineredit you can popup your popupcontainercontrol and populate the list of jobs in the uppoping grid.

I hope you understand what i mean.


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