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How to cache an AWS S3 file on a node.js server and serve it on request?

For my website, I am deploying all the assets (fonts/images/js etc) to an S3 bucket . The index.html (a single-page Ember.js application), is deployed on an elastic beanstalk node.js server. The node app.js takes any request to www.domain.com/* and serves the locally stored index.html . I would like to be able to cut out the process of deploying a new application to elastic beanstalk for every production build and simply deploy all assets and the index.html to the S3 bucket .

This is what I have so far:

var AWS = require('aws-sdk'),
    fs = require('fs');
 * AWS Security credentials

var port = process.env.PORT || 3000,
    http = require("http");

var static = require('node-static');

* Create a node-static server instance
* to serve the './public' folder
var file = new static.Server();

 * Fetch .index.html from S3
 * and cache it locally
var s3 = new AWS.S3();
var params = {Bucket: 'assets', Key: 'index.html'};
var file = fs.createWriteStream('index.html');

    on('httpData', function(chunk) { file.write(chunk); }).
    on('httpDone', function() { file.end(); }).

var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
    request.addListener('end', function () {
        file.serveFile('index.html', 200, {}, request, response);

This I assume will only get the index.html from S3 when the server first fires up. What would be the best practice for caching, preferably with a 1 minute expiry.


Have a look at Amazon's CloudFront. Sounds familiar for what you're trying to accomplish, namely that the files wouldn't have to go through your server again. Adds a little to the round-trip of your full page load.

That said, to cache locally, you could store the entire file in Redis (or other quick thing like that, Raik , memcache , etc.).

  1. Run Redis on your server
  2. store file into Redis when pulled from S3
  3. Set expiratory time after saving to Redis
  4. Check Redis for custom key before re-pulling from S3
    • If it exists, use it and reset the timeout
    • If not, repull from S3 (storing in Redis and setting timeout)

I am unsure how this would respond if the files were large, but it would still be faster than pulling from S3 each time.

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