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Add MVC Controller Missing

In Visual Studio 2013, I am missing the add MVC Controller - Empty scaffolding item.

When I right click the controllers folder, then Add, and click the controller option at the top of the menu. The Add Scaffold popup window appears with only a list of Web API 2 controllers to add.

http://postimg.org/image/bz5rze56n/ <--- Image here

Just to see if it is only this project, I created a new empty mvc project and followed the same steps and I did have the mvc controllers in there.

Does anyone know how I can get those options back in my main project? I'd rather not just copy and paste my existing controllers. :-P

Thank you for any help you may provide!

我知道这是一个老话题,但是我发现如果您不是在上下文菜单中使用Add-> Controller选项,而是使用Add-> New Item选项,然后选择MVC Controller并命名它,那么还会创建与Empty Controller模板的结构相同。

shut down all running Visual studio's run VisualStudio command prompt as admin.
type this: devenv /installvstemplates

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