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Qt adding “action” to dynamically added QWidget

In my ui I have a button, which adds QComboBox (with some items) and QLabel(with some text) when clicked. Variable "index" is the number of added QComboBoxes and QLabels. "ol" is qvector with some data.

void MainWindow::on_iAddOtherButton_clicked()
   QComboBox *p1 = new QComboBox(this);
   QLabel *p2 = new QLabel(this);
   for(int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ol.size()); ++i){
   p2->setText(...some text...));

And this works well, in the layout they are in pairs like this:

QComboBox1 QLabel1

QComboBox2 Qlabel2

Now I want to change value of the QComboBox1, after which, text of the QLabel1, will automatically change to something else. I tried to do this with connect, but QComboBox on currentTextChanged() emits only QString with a new value. Is there some way to emit name of object + new value? Or there is some completely other solution to do this?

From within your slot, you can call sender() to get a pointer to the sender of the signal. From there you can decide what to do next based on sender()->objectName() .

You might also consider using setProperty(...) on the combobox objects to store an index to a vector of pointers to QLabel instances with the vector being a class member. Then you could retrieve the index inside your slot by calling sender()->property(...) and use it to access the correct QLabel widget from the vector.

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