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Unable to set Window State to Exclusive in Struts2 Liferay Portlet

Overview: Porting a struts2 web-appp to liferay struts2 6.2 portlet

Issue: Unable to set windowState to be "Exclusive" in the the struts2 tag <s:url ..../>

Description:I need to set windowState to be "Exclusive" in the the struts2 tag <s:url ..../> .

I am trying the below option but not able to set url's window state as exclusive.

<s:url var="billingOverview" action="%{billingOverviewURL}"
       portletMode="view" portletUrlType="struts.portlet.action"
       windowState=<%=LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE.toString()%> />

Initially I got the exception: "according to tld or attribute windowState, does not accept any expressions".I modified the struts2 core jar(struts2-core-2.3.7.jar)'s "struts-tags.tld" file , in which I made the below changes to accept the expressions as well in the windowState tag by changing rtexprvalue as TRUE:

      <description><![CDATA[The resulting portlet window state]]></description>

It would be really great if I can get some pointer on above issue. Thanks in Advance!

You can't nest scriptlets ( <%...%> that you should not use anywhere else) inside Struts tags.

You need to enable static method access in struts.xml

  <constant name="struts.ognl.allowStaticMethodAccess" value="true" />

and then reference the FQCN with the following syntax:

Change it to:

<s:url portletUrlType="struts.portlet.action"
          windowState="%{@com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.LiferayWindowState@EXCLUSIVE}" />

More on the documentation .

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