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error in casting rootobject() in qt main.cpp for communicating with qml

I am new to qt quick ,i tried to write a code to call c++ slot on qml signal

#include "qtquick1applicationviewer.h"
#include "QApplication"

     int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      QApplication app(argc, argv);
      QDeclarativeView view(QUrl::fromLocalFile("MyItem.qml"));
      QObject *item = view.rootObject();

      Authenticate myClass;
      QObject::connect(item, SIGNAL(qmlSignal(QString)),
                     &myClass, SLOT(cppSlot(QString)));


    return app.exec();

error is: main.cpp:15: error: cannot convert 'QGraphicsObject*' to 'QObject*' in initialization QObject *item = viewer.rootObject();

     import QtQuick 1.0 

    Item {
    id: item
    width: 100; height: 100

    signal qmlSignal(String msg)

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: item.qmlSignal("Hello from QML")


You should explicitly cast to QObject * :

QObject *item = qobject_cast< QObject * >( view.rootObject() );

Also make sure you have included QGraphicsObject :

#include <QGraphicsObject>

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