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How to make CodeNarc force maven build to fail

I'm trying to integrate CodeNarc into a maven based project and I've been running into problems. I want to use a custom ruleset, and when a rule is violated, I'd like my maven build to fail.

How can I configure codenarc so that violations of rules lead to a failure when I run the following?

mvn clean install

Also, the documentation for configuring CodeNarc in a POM doesn't explain how to reference where my custom ruleset is. Any advice for how to set that up? Thanks!

When I run mvn clean install with the configurations below (I have a groovy file with blatant violations in accordance with my ruleset)

My build succeeds. :(

I tried referencing my own ruleset and no violations were being produced. I took away a rulesetfiles property in the POM and it started producing violations. (But I don't get to choose my own)

Anyone know how to make it actually read a custom rule set file? I tried with both xml and groovy.

Here's my ruleset and plugin config from my POM:

<ruleset xmlns="http://codenarc.org/ruleset/1.0"; 
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://codenarc.org/ruleset/1.0 http://codenarc.org/ruleset-schema.xsd";

    <description>Dummy rule set</description>

    <rule class='org.codenarc.rule.formatting.SpaceAfterIf'>
        <property name='priority' value='1'/>

    <rule class='org.codenarc.rule.basic.EmptyIfStatement'>
        <property name='priority' value='1'/>

I referenced this ruleset in my POM like this:

 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>codenarc-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.18-1</version> <configuration> <sourceDirectory>${basedir}/src/test/groovy</sourceDirectory> <maxPriority1Violations>0</maxPriority1Violations> <maxPriority2Violations>0</maxPriority2Violations> <maxPriority3Violations>0</maxPriority3Violations> <rulesetfiles>${basedir}/rulesets/ruleset.xml</rulesetfiles> <xmlOutputDirectory>${basedir}/</xmlOutputDirectory> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <id>execution1</id> <phase>install</phase> <goals> <goal>codenarc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> 

I was struggling with the same some time ago. I remember it was possible to run with maven properly but I don't have this config. Why? Because CodeNarc needs to compile your sources for purpuse of some rules execution. But codenarc maven plugin doesn't pass classpath and compilation was failing.

So I went for different approach which is running CodeNarc as a test source with ant task. It looks like:

import spock.lang.Specification

class GroovyCodeNarcStaticAnalysisRunner extends Specification {

    private static final GROOVY_FILES = '**/*.groovy'
    private static final ANALYSIS_SCOPE = 'src/main/groovy'
    private static final RULESET_LOCATION = 'file:tools/static-analysis/codenarc.xml'
    private static final HTML_REPORT_FILE = 'target/codenarc-result.html'
    private static final XML_REPORT_FILE = 'target/codenarc-result.xml'

    def 'Groovy code should meet coding standards'() {
        def ant = new AntBuilder()
        ant.taskdef(name: 'codenarc', classname: 'org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask')

                ruleSetFiles: RULESET_LOCATION,
                maxPriority1Violations: 0,
                maxPriority2Violations: 0,
                maxPriority3Violations: 0)
                    fileset(dir: ANALYSIS_SCOPE) {
                        include(name: GROOVY_FILES)
                    report(type: 'text') {
                        option(name: 'writeToStandardOut', value: true)
                    report(type: 'xml') {
                        option(name: 'outputFile', value: XML_REPORT_FILE)
                    report(type: 'html') {
                        option(name: 'outputFile', value: HTML_REPORT_FILE)

You don't need to use Spock's Specification for that. Any test runner will do. On the maven side it's enough to make CodeNarc dependency configured with scope test .

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