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Get “next” and “previous” items in AngularJS?

I'm using ngRoute to filter through a list of stories into one specific story when clicked, as below:

myApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    when('/stories', {
        templateUrl: '/partials/stories.html',
        controller: 'StoryListCtrl'
    when('/stories/:storyID', {
        templateUrl: '/partials/story.html',
        controller: 'StoryDetailCtrl'

This works fine, but how can I get the "next" and "previous" stories. The user needs to be able to swipe left and right between the stories, but I can't simply load them all - I need to load each story and one either side of it. Then, when the user swipes either way, one story is removed and a new one is added.

Is this possible with Angular? I've searched like crazy but can't find any reference to this online anyway.

Thanks for your time!

you can use angular ng-swipe for this. eg Let's say, you have these files as follows.


<div ng-swipe-left="nextStory()" ng-swipe-right="previousStory()" >


myApp.controller('StoryDetailCtrl', function ($scope, $routeParams, $location) {
    $scope.storyID = $routeParams.storyID;
    $scope.nextStory = function () {
            var storyID = $routeParams.storyID;
            var path = 'stories/' + (storyID + 1 );
            //console.log("This is left Swipe.");

        $scope.previousStory = function () {
            var storyID = $routeParams.storyID;            
            var path = 'stories/' + (storyID - 1 );}            
            //console.log("This is right Swipe.");

Make sure to inject ngTouch as dependency in your module as ['ngTouch']

Hopefully, it makes sense to you.

When the user swipes you need to send a query with the current id and the orientation, so in that way you'll know is right is next and left if previous, being said that you can query

Right: take 1 greater than your current id

Left: take 1 less than your current id

No orientation: just load the current id

for Swiping you could use the $swipe service, ngSwipeLeft and ngSwipeRight as well.

you could resolve a function prior to the route /stories/:storyID execution, by passing the id, and orientation, or you can modify your route to support orientation like /stories/:storyID/:orientation and orientation can be null

take a look to this article that you may have as an example, I just would like to highlight the how to calculate the current page and the swipe functionality in angularjs, that may apply to your scenario.

angular.module('website', ['ngAnimate', 'ngTouch'])
    .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
        /* Code omitted */

        $scope.direction = 'left';
        $scope.currentIndex = 0;

        $scope.setCurrentSlideIndex = function (index) {
            $scope.direction = (index > $scope.currentIndex) ? 'left' : 'right';
            $scope.currentIndex = index;

        $scope.isCurrentSlideIndex = function (index) {
            return $scope.currentIndex === index;

        $scope.prevSlide = function () {
            $scope.direction = 'left';
            $scope.currentIndex = ($scope.currentIndex < $scope.slides.length - 1) ? ++$scope.currentIndex : 0;

        $scope.nextSlide = function () {
            $scope.direction = 'right';
            $scope.currentIndex = ($scope.currentIndex > 0) ? --$scope.currentIndex : $scope.slides.length - 1;


Let's say you have a list of stories in which you show in /stories page, now using <a ng-href="yourCtrl.getStoryHref()" />Full Story</a> ; Now you move to story page which shows full story. Here you have prev and next links which will take you to prev/next story <a ng-href="yourCtrl.getNextStoryHref()" />Next Story</a> and <a ng-href="yourCtrl.getPrevStoryHref()" />Previous Story</a>

Alternately if you want to use it on mobile, you can use ng-touch or fastclick . In ng-touch you can use ng-swipe-left and ng-swipe-right

<!-- Your Story Div -->
<div ng-swipe-right="yourCtrl.moveToNextStory">Content</div>

In your moveToNextStory function inside controller, set the $location.path to the path of next story

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