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Vaadin 7 and org.vaadin.addon.customfield. package

I have to upgrade an application from vaadin6 to vaadin7. I have a problem in two classes:

import org.vaadin.addon.customfield.CustomField;
public abstract class DictionaryItemValuesField  extends CustomField{


import org.vaadin.addon.customfield.FieldWrapper;
public abstract class DateFieldWithTextField<DF extends DateField> extends FieldWrapper<Date> {

org.vaadin.addon.customfield(v1.0.0) is vaadin6 package, it uses vaacin6 packages like com.vaadin.terminal. So this package isn't supported by vaadin7. So how can I migrate those two classes to vaadin7?

CustomField is now part of Vaadin7 base API.

It is also possible to override validate(), setInternalValue(), commit(), setPropertyDataSource, isEmpty() and other methods to implement different functionalities in the field. Methods overriding setInternalValue() should call the superclass method.

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