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How can I sort files by DESC order with Symfony Finder Component?

By default Symfony Finder Component sorts files by ASC order.

//sorting by ASC order

How can I sort files by DESC ?

You may use the sort method and give your own sort anonymous function (see Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Iterator\\SortableIterator )

$finder->sort(function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($b->getRealpath(), $a->getRealpath()); });

This is all about sorting tips. It's always the same thing with that kind of job. Please take a look to the usort function .

To be more precise, I've just take a code snipet from Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Iterator\\SortableIterator , and I've reverted the return condition.

In Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Iterator\\SortableIterator you can see the ASC case, so the DESC case is:

    function ($a, $b) {
       return ($b->getMTime() - $a->getMTime());

The reverseSorting method, that was introduced in Symfony 4.2, can be used now.

$finder = new Finder();
$finder->files()->in( $directoryPath );

foreach ($finder as $file) {
  // log each modification time for example 
  // $this->logger->debug ( \date('d/m/Y H:i', $file->getMTime()) );

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