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F8 and F9 keys not being captured in Chrome with jQuery

I want to use some function keys as shortcuts to my web app. Everything seems to work, except that I can't capture F8 and F9 on chrome. I'm using jQuery 2.1, and am registering to the keydown event with:

$(window).on('keydown', function(e) {

I have made a very simple JsFiddle to illustrate the problem. If I press any key, the text in the div is updated. Nothing happens if I press F8 or F9. I have tested on Firefox and it works, so it's a browser specific problem, even maybe some configuration in my machine.

My chrome's version is 37.0.2062.120 m

Another weird thing is that if I press F8 or F9 along with some modifier key (alt, shift or control), it works.

Anyone have any ideas?

I have solved my problem.

I was running Chrome with the flag --disable-web-security, to allow CORS requests while in development. I restarted Chrome without the flag and everything started working.

Have no idea why, but will leave this here... maybe will help someone in the future.

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