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A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$file Filename: controllers/arsip.php Line Number: 137

I'm new to codeigniter. i try using phpmyadmin database and i have troubled to edit an record.

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$file
Filename: controllers/arsip.php
Line Number: 137

this part of arsip.php in directory controller that line number show error

   function edit($id)
    $judul = $this->input->post('no',TRUE);
    $config['file_name'] = $judul;
    $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
    $config['allowed_types'] = 'pdf|doc|docx';
    $config['max_size'] = '1000000';
    $data['title']="Edit data Arsip";
    $this->load->library('upload', $config);
    $files = (object) $_FILES;
    $f_data = (object) $files->file; //is problem
    $id = $this->input->post("no");

    if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
        $result["msg"] = validation_errors();
        $result["success"] = false;
    elseif($f_data->name != "")
        if (!$this->upload->do_upload("file")) {
            $result["content"]  = $this->upload->display_errors("", "");
            $result["success"]  = false;
            $fdata = (object) $this->upload->data();

            $data = array(
            'file' => $fdata->file_name,
            $data['message']="<div class='alert alert-success'>Data berhasil diupdate</div>";
        $data = array(
            $data['message']="<div class='alert alert-success'>Data berhasil diupdate</div>";

    echo json_encode($result);

Whenever you get an error like:

Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$file

it means PHP can tell is looking at a stdClass object, however, it can not find (in this case) the property "file".

To debug this:

after $files = (object) $_FILES; and before $f_data = (object) $files->file; write:


This will tell you what is actually populating the object.

Also, my guess would be the input type="file" name is not set to "file" which is why PHP can't find it in the object.

Hope this helps!

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