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A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$comment_count Filename: blog/index.php Line Number: 35

My line number 35 of view/blog/index.php is as:

<a href="<?php echo base_url().'post/'.$post->entry_id.'#comments';?>" class="comments">Comments (<?php echo $post->comment_count;?>)</a> 

I have made a column in table comment as comment_id still its not working

and in my model/blog_model.php it is a function as:

$count = array(
        'comment_count' => $total_count,

Thanks in advance

You are mixing up your notations. Question isnt very clear but if you have set an array index like...

$count = array(
    'comment_count' => $total_count,

And I assume passing $count as $post into your view and trying to access like this...


It wont work as this is not array notation. Correct would be..


If $post and $count are different objects then you need to do..


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