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Java Web Start blocked with newest Java version

I have an Application Client deployed on a local Glassfish 4.1 with Java 8u20 installed. Now whenever I try to start the client on the localhost (same machine) using Java Web Start it gets blocked by Java Security with the message:

Location: http://localhost:8080 Reason: The Java security settings have prevented this application from running. You may change this behavior in the Java Control Panel.

I added localhost to the Exception Site List with following entries:


then I even imported the Glassfish self-signed certificate as a Trusted Certificate in the Java Control Panel. Finally I enabled Mixed code and disabled certificate revocation checks in the Control panel. But still my application gets blocked.

As the medium Security level is not available anymore, what can I do further?

If you use a javaws from a java 1.7 u25 or earlier, your application client will work.

I have the same problem with Java8u31. My application client won't start with a javaws later than u25, but if is use u25 or under it will.

So, I use u25 to start the application client, but the application runs in the java 1.8 u31 environment.

I also cannot get the exception site list to work. I starting to think their is a bug in java here.

I tried to replace the s1as certificate in glassfish per these instructions to no avail. https://blogs.oracle.com/quinn/entry/glassfish_java_web_start_and

Not sure that it is possible to have glassfish automatically sign an application client with the new security restrictions!

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