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Android serialize a PendingIntent

I know that a PendingIntent doesn't implement the Serielizeable interface. But if I create a POJO and add that intent as a member of my object, and letting that POJO implement serializeable, will that work?

This is what I think:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, someClass.class);
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, 0);

POJO myPOJO = new POJO();

serialize the POJO etc, as explained above. Will that POJO still be serializeable, and after deserialization, will I be able to fetch the PendingIntent with myPOJO.getIntent(); ?

Sorry if it's obvious. thankful for any help.


But if I create a POJO and add that intent as a member of my object, and letting that POJO implement serializeable, will that work?


will I be able to fetch the PendingIntent with myPOJO.getIntent(); ?

No. A PendingIntent cannot survive outside of the running OS.

In this case, assuming that your code snippet resembles your actual use case, you do not need to persist the PendingIntent ; instead, persist the things that allow you to make a new PendingIntent later on.

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