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Drupal 6 theme add / edit content form

Drupal 6 theme add / edit content form

In Drupal 6, we can add new content type "content-type". We want to theme /node/add/content-type by template file. We want to theme the edit form /node/$nid/edit of this content-type also by template file. How to do this?

For this you need to understand the naming convention of tpl files in Drupal. This link will help https://www.drupal.org/node/1089642

According to documentation,

"http://www.example.com/node/1/edit" would result in the following suggestions:


Either you can try adding content-type in the naming as suggested(I have not tried it personally), or if there are few customization to be done, adding a check like

<?php if($node->type == 'content_type_name') ?>

over available variables in "page-node-edit.tpl.php" will also do.

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