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Wpf Listview not displaying data

I have a Model as following.. I dont want to do anything like INotify etc because nothing changes in the view, I just want to display the names in the View. And in the view model Iam exposing model property because in mvvm View should bind to the view model only. But for some reason the names are not being displayed..Please help..

namespace WpfApplication4
    public class Model
        private string _name;
        public string name
                return _name;
                _name = value;


    public class make
        List<Model> mod = new List<Model>();
        public make()
            mod.Add(new Model { name = "Sam" });
            mod.Add(new Model { name = "Pam" });
            mod.Add(new Model { name = "Jam" });
            mod.Add(new Model { name = "Cam" });

        public List<Model> modlist()
            return mod;

View Model:

namespace WpfApplication4
    public class ViewModel
        private ObservableCollection<Model> _obcollection;
        private Model _Model;
        public Model model
                return _Model;
                _Model = value;

        public ViewModel()

        public void Convert()
            make m = new make();
            _obcollection = new ObservableCollection<Model>(m.modlist());

        public ObservableCollection<Model> obcollection
                return _obcollection;
                _obcollection = value;

And Xaml for Main Window.:

        <ListView Name="lstdemo" ItemsSource="{Binding obcollection}">
                        <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=model.name}" Header="Name" />

And finally MainWindow.cs

public MainWindow()
            ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
            this.DataContext = vm;

I believe your xaml should be following:

    <ListView Name="lstdemo" ItemsSource="{Binding obcollection}">
                    <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=name}" Header="Name" />

Each item is already bound to a model.
Instead of DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=model.name}" use DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding name}"

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