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How can I call a Java function from JavaScript in my Cordova/Phonegap application?

My application uses Cordova. I need to capture a keypress in my app and then call a Java function in my Cordova app, like so:

$(document).on('keypress', function() {
    // call mySpecialFunction() Java function here

and then the Cordova app's main activity:

public class EndPipe extends CordovaActivity 
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    public void mySpecialFunction() {
        // some Java code here

How can I accomplish this?

you can try this one

Firstly you need to declare your custom plugin in config.xml. You can found this file in res > xml folder.

<feature name="CustomPlugin">
      <param name="android-package" value="com.Phonegap.CustomPlugin" />

Then you need to implement plugin by using Java- code

public class CustomPlugin extends CordovaPlugin {

    public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext)
            throws JSONException {

        if (action.equals("sayHello")){
            try {
                String responseText = "Hello world, " + args.getString(0);
            } catch (JSONException e){
                callbackContext.error("Failed to parse parameters");
            return true;

        return false;

Finally we calling a plugin from javascript

function initial(){
    var name = $("#NameInput").val();
    cordova.exec(sayHelloSuccess, sayHelloFailure, "CustomPlugin", "sayHello", [name]);

function sayHelloSuccess(data){
    alert("OK: " + data);

function sayHelloFailure(data){
    alert("FAIL: " + data);

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