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Print a chart (toolkit)

I would like to be able to print the chart I make with silverlight-toolkit.
The application is written in Silverlight 4.
However I have no idea how to get this done.
Does anybody know how this works or has a tutorial somewhere?
I have been searching at Google to see if I could find something, but I didn't find anything that worked for me.

Thanks in advance.

I'm useing the following code after I click on the print button but nothing happends:

Chart chartToPrint; // The element to be printed
PrintDocument doc = new PrintDocument(); // Create the PrintDocument  object that will do the printing
doc.PrintPage += (s, args) =>
  // Set the chart that needs to be printed.
  // As soon as this is set, printing starts
  args.PageVisual = chartToPrint;

Things I have tried:
printing an image in landscape orientation?

Have a look at this site: http://kb.yworks.com/article507.html . Hope this helps you!

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