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WPF Toolkit - how to refresh a chart

I just created a pie Chart with the WPF Toolkit. I wanted to create a AddIn for MS Dynamics NAV. If I call that method in NAV:

    public void setChart(string chartKey, float chartValue)
        KeyValuePair<string, float> value = new KeyValuePair<string, float>(chartKey, chartValue);

my Chart is not refreshing. My ObservableCollection is updating but it doesn't Show any Chart. If I just do


to the constructor it works.

How can I update the Chart. I also call pieChart.DataContext = values; in the constructor. If I call it again in setChart it still not work.

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You set your values after initializing your windows and since values in your example doesn't implement a setter and the INotifyPropertyChanged manner, your UI thread is never warn by the change you made on your collection.

Use INotifyPropertyChanged interface:

Like that when you set your items, Your UI thread knows there is a change to do in the xaml part (I took a Window but it can be a Page, a UserControl or a Custom Class)

public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged {
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };
    private ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, float>> _values;
    public ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, float>> values {
        get {
            if (_values == null) {
                _values = new ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, float>>();
            return _values;
        set {
            _values = value;
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(values)));


I didn't see your code in your xaml maybe there is a change to do here too.

Okay to sum up:
You Need to use a ObservableCollection<> instead of an List<>.
The ObservableCollection refreshes automaticly if something changed in it.

public ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, float>> values = new ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, float>>();

This is mine. The answer above is just the same, just alot longer. Maybe in some situations you Need to use it. But in this case I don't see any use of it. But thanks!

The Problem was Dynamics NAV (I'm using 2016). I wanted to Show Items with its amount. The problem was: The amount was always 0 for some reason. And WPF Toolkit Charts don't Show any tiles with the value 0.
But why it was 0? The amount is a decimal (C/AL) and you Need CALCFIELDS. So I just added Rec.CALCFIELDS(field); and it worked! The value was no longer 0! And the Chart Shows me what I wanted.

Maybe I could helped someone with the same Problem :)

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