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How to add gradle dependency automatically

I'm wondering if there is any gradle task or any other util that will add dependency so eg

dependencies {
   ... // so far dependencies    
   compile 'com.new.dependency:x.y"

in your build.gradle file instead you manually type it.

I'm trying to write IntelliJ plugin that will automatically add a library to any project. So far I need to analyze/parse document content and it's tedious.

For example when you go to project setting in IntelliJ and add library the code is automatically added.

You can specify collections as your dependencies, like:

dependencies {
   compile ['org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5','org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.1']

Which means you can use anything that can produce a list. If your plugin maintained a file like:



Then you could include the dependencies into the project like:

dependencies {   
    compile file('compile.dependencies').readLines()

Users of your plugin would have to know to add these lines to their build.gradle. Or, better, you could bundle the configuration into an include file, like:

subprojects() {
  dependencies {   
     if (file('compile.dependencies').exists()) {
       compile file('compile.dependencies').readLines()

     if (file('runtime.dependencies').exists()) {
      runtime file('runtime.dependencies').readLines()

Then your users would only have to use "apply from:" to include the config.

There's no such tool, nor utility. There's a possibility to add dependencies to project using tooling API but the changes introduced will not be serialized to configuration (build.gradle) file.

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