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Regular expressions using two separate patterns

I have a function that parses some text, and replaces any tags that are surrounded by "{ and }" with values in an array.

function parse($template, array $values) {
    return preg_replace_callback('/\{"{\ (\w+)\ \}\"/',function ($matches) use ($values) {
        return isset($values[$matches[1]])?$values[$matches[1]]:$matches[0];

How can it be modified to do the same, but also use a second deliminator? Specifically, I also which it to replace tags surrounded by '{ and }'


/\{['"]{\ (\w+)\ \}['"]/

这样的东西(没有检查) /\\{("|\\'){\\ (\\w+)\\ \\}\\1//\\{(["\\']){\\ (\\w+)\\ \\}\\1/

A better option is to list possible delimiters explicitly:

$re = <<<RE
    "{ (\w+) }"
    '{ (\w+) }'

(using extended syntax for readability). The actual captured group will be at the end of the matches array:

preg_replace_callback($re, function ($matches) use ($values) {
        $word = end($matches);
        if (isset($values[$word])) etc....

This verbosity will pay off once you introduce more delimiters, especially non-symmetric ones, for example:

$re = <<<RE
    "{ (\w+) }"
    '{ (\w+) }'
    <{ (\w+) }>
    {{ (\w+) }}

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