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MySQL Stored Procedure Syntax Errors

I'm very new to MySQL (and databases in general) and have been tasked with making a stored procedure that will accept a varchar as a parameter to be used as a keyword search from 2 columns of a table.

I'm not familiar with the syntax and searching the internet hasn't been as fruitfull as desired. This is what I came up with:


CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Search (IN word varchar(100))
SELECT Section.Name 
FROM Section inner join DetailsMats ON Section.NumSection=DetailsMats.NumSection 
WHERE DetailsMats.TechName or DetailsMats.GenName LIKE %word%;

Just wondering if I'm doing something disgustingly wrong here or if I'm on the right path. Thanks!

Seems should be something like this:

FROM MyTable 
WHERE (Column1 LIKE '%keyword1%' OR Column2 LIKE '%keyword1%') 
      AND (Column1 LIKE '%keyword2%' OR Column2 LIKE '%keyword2%');

Try to use concat to escape the % character. Happy coding :)

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_Search CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Search (IN word varchar(100)) BEGIN SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT Section.Name FROM Section inner join DetailsMats ON Section.NumSection=DetailsMats.NumSection WHERE DetailsMats.TechName or DetailsMats.GenName LIKE "',job_no, '%"'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END $$

I see two errors in your code:

  1. Missing delimiter // after DROP PROCEDURE ...
  2. LIKE expression must by string. I use CONCAT('%', word, '%') to get string with word and '%'

Corrected code:


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_Search //  -- delimiter here

CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Search (IN word varchar(100))
SELECT Section.Name 
FROM Section inner join DetailsMats ON Section.NumSection=DetailsMats.NumSection 
WHERE DetailsMats.TechName or DetailsMats.GenName LIKE CONCAT('%', word, '%');

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