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Insert from one table to another

I have a PHP/MySQL project I am currently working on and have become stuck on a complicated (or at least to me) Insert function.

3 tables that apply here are

Client Fields that are relevant here are, clientpk (AI primary key) and clientscope.

Templatedocs , Fields that are relevant are templatepk, doctype, doctitle, templatescope

ClientDocs Fields that are relevant docpk, doctype, doctitle

What I want to do is have a code after I add a new record in client table that inserts records from the templatedocuments table into the clientdocuments table where client.clientscope = templatedocuments.templatescope, and I suspect it will be a foreach function.

I have only ever worked with insert queries that insert from one table to another, not where 3 tables are used.

If someone could give me a basic idea then I should be able to figure the rest out, thank you.

UPDATE: What I am struggling here is say ClientTable is Table A, TemplateDocuments is Table B and ClientDocuments is TableC. I know how to insert records from table A to Table C when I am writing an insert function from within Table A. However I do not know how to Insert from table B (which is an unrelated resources table essentially) data into table C, using current variables from table B.

To put it into context, Table B now has 147 different records in, only 50 of them will end up in each table C, because there are variations, it is the client.clientscope and templatedocuments.template scope that filters which are relevant records to insert.

You can use join s in the insert.. select syntax:

INSERT INTO clientdocuments (doctype, doctitle)
SELECT doctype, doctitle
FROM   templatedocuments t
JOIN   client c ON t.templatescope = c.clientscope
WHERE  client.clientpk = 123

you can use trigger something link this on mysql side:


USE `databaseName`$$

DROP TRIGGER /*!50032 IF EXISTS */ `trigger_TableName`$$


TRIGGER `trigger_Templatedocs` AFTER UPDATE ON `Client` 
IF NEW.field <> OLD.field THEN
    INSERT INTO Templatedocs (fieldName, fieldName2) VALUES (NEW.field, NEW.field);


im not sure it's work for you or not but you can try this.

You can get it done using AFTER INSERT trigger on client table; something like below

create trigger trg_insert_clientdocs
after insert on Client
for each row 
INSERT INTO ClientDocs(doctype, doctitle)
select td.doctype, td.doctitle
from Templatedocs td
where td.templatescope = new.clientscope;

Above trigger code will insert record to ClientDocs table from Templatedocs table based on a match on templatescope column; where the value of templatescope column is same as newly inserted value in Client table clientscope column.

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