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MySQL INNER JOIN select only one row from first table if all leads active = 0 and primary_email = Yes in second table

I have two tables. I want to join them in a way that only one record in the leads table if leads_details table all lead_id active = 0 and primary = Yes.

table Lead:

    | id | name |
    | 1  | abc1 |
    | 2  | abc2 |
    | 3  | abc3 |
    | 4  | abc4 |
    | 5  | abc5 |

table LeadsDetails:

    | id | lead_id | active | primary_email
    | 1  | 1       | 1       |Yes         |
    | 2  | 1       | 0       |NO          |
    | 3  | 2       | 0       |Yes         |
    | 4  | 3       | 1       |Yes         |
    | 5  | 4       | 0       |Yes         |
    | 6  | 5       | 1       |NO          |

expected output:

    | id | name   |
    | 1  | abc2   |
    | 2  | abc4   |

SELECT `Lead`.`id`, `Lead`.`name`, `Lead`.`unsubscribe` 
FROM `leads` AS `Lead` inner JOIN `LeadsDetails` AS `LeadsDetails` 
ON (`LeadsDetails`.`lead_id` = `Lead`.`id`) 
WHERE `LeadsDetails`.`primary_email` = 'Yes' AND `LeadsDetails`.`active` = 0

You require group by attribute

 SELECT `Lead`.`id`, `Lead`.`name`, `Lead`.`unsubscribe` 
FROM `leads` AS `Lead` inner JOIN `LeadsDetails` AS `LeadsDetails` 
ON (`LeadsDetails`.`lead_id` = `Lead`.`id`) 
WHERE `LeadsDetails`.`primary_email` = 'Yes' AND `LeadsDetails`.`active` = 0
GROUP BY lead.id

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