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Redactor JS - validate form using BootstrapValidator

I'm having a Rails app where I use Redactor for rich text input. The form is placed inside a Bootstrap modal. I want to validate (presence) while the user types, and show a validation error if the field is empty. I'm using BootstrapValidator for the validation part. I currently don't get any validation messages for the redactor text area.

The relevant part of the code looks like this:

= form_for idea, remote: remote, html: {role: :form, "data-model" => 'idea', multipart: true}  do |f|

  # This field  / validation works
    = f.label :title, "Title", :class => "required"
    = f.text_field :title, :class => "form-control"

  # This does not
    = f.label :description, :class => "required"
    = f.text_area :description, :class => "form-control big-text-area redactor"

And the Javascript looks like this:


    message: 'This value is not valid',

    feedbackIcons: {
      valid: 'fa fa-check-square',
      invalid: 'fa fa-warning',
      validating: 'fa fa-circle-o-notch spin'

    fields: {
      "idea[title]": {
        validators: {
          notEmpty: {
            message: 'The title is required'

      "idea[description]": {
        validators: {
          callback: {
            message: 'The idea description is required',
            callback: function(value, validator) {

              # NOTE: This part of the code never get called                 

              var code = $('[name="idea[description]"]').code();
              return (code !== '' && code !== '<p><br></p>');


    keyupCallback: function (e) {

  function validateEditor() {
    $('#new_idea').bootstrapValidator('revalidateField', "idea[description]");

Any ideas on what I can do to get the validation to work?

I ran into something similar when using Redactor so perhaps this will help. In my case, I had a change listener on the textarea to which Redactor was bound to (a similar approach to what I believe Bootstrap Validator is doing) but the problem was that Redactor was eating the change event on the original textarea. To get around this, I implemented the following when initializing the Redactor plugin.

var $mytextarea = $('selector-for-textarea');
    changeCallback: function( html ) {
        $mytextarea.trigger( 'change' );

Hope this helps, cheers.

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