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Protobuf-net asking for TypeModel.CS when used with Generics for deserialization

I have billions of objects that I'm trying to structure them in a B+Tree serialized to HDD. I'm using BPlusTree library for the data structure and protobuf-net for serialization/deserialization. In this regard I define my classes as:

    public class B<C, M>
        where C : IComparable<C>
        where M : IData<C>
        internal B()
            lambda = new List<Lambda<C, M>>();
            omega = 0;

        internal B(C coordinate)
            lambda = new List<Lambda<C, M>>();
            e = coordinate;
            omega = 0;

        internal C e { set; get; }

        internal List<Lambda<C, M>> lambda { private set; get; }

        internal int omega { set; get; }

public class Lambda<C, M>
    where C : IComparable<C>
    where M : IData<C>
    internal Lambda() { }

    internal Lambda(char tau, M atI)
        this.tau = tau;
        this.atI = atI;

    internal char tau { private set; get; }

    internal M atI { private set; get; }

and I define my serializers/deserializers as following:

public class BSerializer<C, M> : ISerializer<B<C, M>>
        where C : IComparable<C>
        where M : IData<C>
        public B<C, M> ReadFrom(System.IO.Stream stream)
            return Serializer.Deserialize<B<C, M>>(stream);

        public void WriteTo(B<C, M> value, System.IO.Stream stream)
            Serializer.Serialize<B<C, M>>(stream, value);

Then I use them all in a B+Tree ( This library ) data structure which is defined as:

var options = new BPlusTree<C, B<C, M>>.OptionsV2(CSerializer, BSerializer);
var myTree = new BPlusTree<C, B<C, M>>(options);

The B+Tree is defined as a dictionary of key-value pairs. My key (ie, C ) is an integer and the serializer is the default serializer of BPlusTree library. My Value is a custom object B<C,M> that is serialized using protobuf-net .

My problem surely happens, but almost at random times; always searching for Keys , it suddenly starts deserializing the Value and at the first call of B<C, M> ReadFrom(System.IO.Stream stream) it asks for TypeModel.CS and ProtoReader.CS files. I get both packages from NuGet .

Checking the code, it looks like the calling code assumes serializations are aware of their own length; from the source:

foreach (T i in items)
    _serializer.WriteTo(i, io);

Protobuf messages are not self-terminating - the google protobuf specification defines append===merge. As such, you'll need to prefix messages. Fortunately, you should be able to just switch to SerializeWithLengthPrefix and DeserializeWithLengthPrefix . If that doesn't work, it would be worth putting together a fully reproducible example so that it can be investigated.

As an alternative approach to solving this problem, you can also aggregate the behavior of the built-in serailizers:

    class BSerializer<C, M> : ISerializer<B<C, M>>
        where C : IComparable<C>
        where M : IData<C>
        public B<C, M> ReadFrom(System.IO.Stream stream)
            byte[] value = CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.PrimitiveSerializer.Bytes.ReadFrom(stream);
            return Serializer.Deserialize<B<C, M>>(new MemoryStream(value));

        public void WriteTo(B<C, M> value, System.IO.Stream stream)
            using (var memory = new MemoryStream())
                Serializer.Serialize<B<C, M>>(memory, value);
                CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.PrimitiveSerializer.Bytes.WriteTo(memory.ToArray(), stream);

Note: This approach can be a performance problem due to the unnecessary copies of data; however, it can help resolve the issue.

Another possibility is simply defined the tree as BPlusTree<TKey, byte[]> and provide the PrimitiveSerializer.Bytes as the value serializer. This places the burden of object serialization on the caller which can be a very good thing. The reason this can be beneficial is two fold:

  1. Your object model is no longer required to be immutable.
  2. If the deserialization of the object is expensive, this may perform better in random-access uses.

For other common serialization issues and some examples please read the following article:


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