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Windows process called by perl doesn't write to file properly

I'm trying to call a perl script from another perl script, read from serial port, and write to a file. I've distilled my code to isolate the problem, so it probably won't make sense what the point of the code is.


use Win32::Process;

my $perl_path = $^X;
my $SerialLogProcess;
my $SerialLogObj;
my $serial_log_script = "callee.pl";
Win32::Process::Create($SerialLogObj, "$perl_path", "perl $serial_log_script " ,0,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,".");
$SerialLogProcess = $SerialLogObj->GetProcessID();

print "waiting for 3 secs";
print "done";
`taskkill /F /T /PID $SerialLogProcess`;


use Win32::SerialPort;

my $portObj = new Win32::SerialPort("\\\\.\\COM70") || die; 
my $serialReading;
system("rm -r \"log.txt\"");
open (LOGFILE, ">>log.txt") or die; 

while (1){
    $serialReading = $portObj->read(10);
    print LOGFILE $serialReading;
    #print LOGFILE " ";

So the caller creates a process for the callee script, and then kills it after 3 seconds. In those 3 seconds, I do something that gives guaranteed messages for the serial port to read. The log file is created, but nothing is written to it.

Heres what's weird: I can make the messages show up two ways. I run the callee script straight from the command line, or I can uncomment that last print. Unfortunately, these aren't solutions for me. I'm pretty stumped why I can't get my code to work properly, and it makes me think there is some kind of undefined behavior.

The output is buffered by default. The data will eventually be written once there's enough to write. Or you can use the following which will cause a flush for every print.

use IO::Handle qw( );   # Needed before Perl 5.14

open (LOGFILE, ">>log.txt") or die;

But ug, why use a global variable???

open (my $LOGFILE, ">>log.txt") or die;
print $LOGFILE $serialReading;

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