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Scheduled Powershell Task, stuck Running

I have problems when running a powershell script in Scheduled Tasks. It gets stuck in Running, even though the Transcript has logged out the last row "Done!" and it also looks like it has done exactly what i want it to. What am I missing?

When running it from Run in Windows it also seems fine: powershell -file "D:\\_temp\\copy_bat\\copy_one_reprint_folder.ps1"

Seetings in Task Scheduler is:

  • Run with full priviliges
  • Run weither user is logged on or not
  • Action, start program powershell.exe
    • -file "D:\\_temp\\copy_bat\\copy_one_reprint_folder.ps1"


Please see code below if needed.

# PowerShell RePRINT copy first folder, sorted on lastModified
function timestamp
    $ts = Get-Date -format s
    return $ts

$fromDirectory = "D:\_temp\copy_bat"
$toDirectory = "D:\_temp\in_dummy"
$extractGUIDdir = ""
$docTypeDir = ""

# Logging
Stop-Transcript | out-null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Start-Transcript -path $fromDirectory\copy_one_reprint_folder.log.txt -append

Write-Host ""
Write-Host (timestamp) "Copy RePRINT extract started"
Write-Host (timestamp) "============================"

Get-ChildItem -path $fromDirectory | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | Sort-Object CreationTime | `
    Where-Object {$_.name -ne "_copied"} | `
    Select-Object -first 1 | `
            Write-Host (timestamp) $_.name
            $extractGUIDdir = $_.FullName
            Get-ChildItem -path $extractGUIDdir |  ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "Purchase Order \(-999999997\)" -or $_.Name -match "Logistics documents \(-1000000000\)" -or $_.Name -match "Specifications \(-999999998\)"} | `
                    Write-Host (timestamp) "  " $_.Name
            Write-Host ""

            Write-Host "These folders (document types), were also found but will not be included"
            Get-ChildItem -path $extractGUIDdir -Exclude "Logistics documents (-1000000000)", "Purchase Order (-999999997)", "Specifications (-999999998)" | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | `
                    Write-Host (timestamp) " - " $_.name
            Write-Host ""

            Get-ChildItem -path $extractGUIDdir | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "Purchase Order \(-999999997\)" -or $_.Name -match "Logistics documents \(-1000000000\)" -or $_.Name -match "Specifications \(-999999998\)"} | `
                        $temp_name = $_.FullName
                        Write-Host (timestamp) "copying files from " $_.FullName
                        Write-Host (timestamp) "                    to "  $toDirectory
                        #Copy-Item ($_.FullName)\*.* $toDirectory
                        Write-Host (timestamp) " copying meta-files..."
                        Copy-Item $temp_name\*.meta $toDirectory -Filter *.meta
                        Write-Host (timestamp) " copying pdf-files..."
                        Copy-Item $temp_name\*.pdf $toDirectory -Filter *.pdf
                        if(Test-Path $temp_name\*.* -Exclude *.meta, *.pdf)
                            Write-Host (timestamp) " WARNING/ERROR not all documents have been moved. Only PDFs was moved!"
                            Write-Host (timestamp) " Check folder for other document-types."
                Move-Item $extractGUIDdir $fromDirectory\_copied

Write-Host (timestamp) " DONE!"

# Stop logging

It is solved.

It works, stupid me did not press F5 (update) in task scheduler to update the status of the task in the gui.

Actually I was quite certain I did this, but apparently not.

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