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Photo picker shows on one second then disappears

I have an iOS application written in Xamarin. It is built to target iOS 7.1. with SDK 8. My code looks like following:

var dialog = DialogHelper.ShowProgress(View, "Uploading");
picker.PickPhotoAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
  if (t.IsCanceled || t.IsFaulted)
      AppDelegate.FileUploadController.IsWorking = false;
  MediaFile file = t.Result;
  string filePath = file.Path;
  UploadHelper.UploadFile(filePath, _folderId, temp, dialog);

}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

This works great on iOS 7 (both simulator and device) but on iOS 8 photos are shown in one second, than loading screen is shown.

What am I doing wrong? I can't find any useful information googling it.

In case someone else will need this, https://components.xamarin.com/gettingstarted/xamarin.mobile says:

Showing a MediaPicker in response to a UIActionSheet.Clicked event will cause unexpected behavior on iOS 8. Apps should be updated to conditionally use an UIAlertController with a style of UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet.

So I edited my code to use UIAlertController if device is on iOS 8.

And it works.

I had the same issue, i just changed the event clicked to event dismissed for the UIActionSheet. EJ.

           actionsheet.Dismissed+= delegate(object sender, UIButtonEventArgs b) {
            else if(b.ButtonIndex==1){

Hope this helps.

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